March 12, 2007

Only What A Naked Man Can Accomplish Solo

The Silos - Cuba (1987)

Returning: The monkey - who felt like he'd been abandoned for an uncalled for length of time, though by who or whom or what he couldn't say, not really knowing anyone else, monkey or otherwise - suddenly realized he was walking and had been walking for a very long time through an alkali desert of startling beauty. Acidic butterflies of poisonous green and deadly black flew in great clouds between the petrified flowers of this new landscape. Angular shapes of a metallic bronze or silver hue were embedded in the salty crust of earth beneath his feet. They seemed to make patterns, to connect one with the other. He picked up a handful, finding them very flat, and began to lay them out one after the other: C G A D B E F. This is what they looked like and sounded like in the monkey's head. But what were they?

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